100% Pure and natural dry flower for making natural playing colour and beauty care recipies and puja. Nature, the Cosmic Mother or Prakruti gives rise to the five elements - Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth which are present in the whole universe. Out of the womb of these five elements, all physical living beings including Human and inorganic substances are created. Thus, Nature is the SOURCE of all life and it has all we will ever need to achieve happiness, longevity, good health and creative growth. We bring to you the natures treasure in its purest and natural form to help you treat yourself to better health because good health is the foundation of a fulfilling life. The message that we want you to take-home right now is, its time to move toward a more balanced mental and physical way of living.Learn to be fully aware of the presence of disorder in your body and set about to begin the relationship with health. Just start where you are and join us on what promises to be a beautiful journey. Enrich your life with Nature Herbs.